Wednesday 20 September 2017

10 λέξεις για ΑΥΤΟΠΕΠΟΙΘΗΣΗ στα Αγγλικά! How to work on your speaking skills: Use ADVERBS

Ακολούθησε τα 10 και με αυτό το λεξιλόγιο θα ακούγεται σαν native English speaker με αυτοπεποίθηση και σιγουριά!
How to work on your speaking skills using ADVERBS

#1 Frankly - ειλικρινά
Frankly, I don't think she's qualified enough for this position.

#2 Honestly - ειλικρινά
You didn't even bother calling me to call off our date?! I wish you leave, honestly!

#3 Apparently - προφανώς
They missed the bus, apparently. Otherwise they would have been here already.

#4 Basically -βασικά
I basically prefer rice but we can have past if you insist.

#5 Seriously - σοβαρά
That's your excuse for being late? Do you seriously believe I'll bite that?

#6 Hopefully - αν όλα πάνε καλά
Hopefully, it'll stop raining so we can go on our trip as we have planed.

Δες και αυτό το βίντεο για να βελτιώσεις το speaking σου:
ΈΤΣΙ ΘΑ ΠΕΡΑΣΕΙΣ ΕΞΕΤΑΣΕΙΣ speaking στα Αγγλικά!

#7 Thankfully - ευτυχώς
I was desperate with that load of work and thankfully you showed up to help me!

#8 Actually - πραγματικά, παραδόξως
I am not a fan of this singer, actually. Why don't you ask someone else to go to the concert with you?

#9 Unfortunately - δυστυχώς
Unfortunately, we had to put off our arrangements.

#10 slightly - ελαφρώς
Your views are slightly discriminating if you ask me.
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της Μελπομένης Κ.Ιωαννίδου

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