Tuesday 20 March 2018

A 5 Step guide to quit smoking! #Psychology #Homework 19.03.18

#Psychology #Homework 19.03.18
Smoking is considered to be one of the deadliest habits of all times. Let us help each other quit NOW!

 Since the advent of smoking as fashion icon things kept going worse. More and more people got hoocked on cigarettes having irreversable results on their health and finances. Read the article of Psychology Today and complete the tasks below.

Remember ! At least one task is to be completed online as a comment on this post!

Task 1: Which step is the hardest in your opinion? Suggest some tricks to overcome the difficulties of this step.

Task 2: Answer out of your personal experience. Have you ever felt cravings and withdrawal symptoms while trying to quit? How did you handle it?

Task 3: Answer out of your personal experience. Do you ever feel uncomfortable when smoking in public? Do you think people's opinion would be a strong motive for you to quit?


  1. Task 2: Answer out of your personal experience. Have you ever felt cravings and withdrawal symptoms while trying to quit? How did you handle it?

    Yes, of course. Once I tried to stop smoking and I felt cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Those days were very unpleasant. First of all, I tried to reward myself. Instead of smoking, I ate vegetables, I went to the gym and I started saving. When I felt anxious and nervous I was trying to communicate with friends. Unfortunately I did not make it.

    1. What an experience! Wishing you luck for future attempts. Great tricks, though.


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