Wednesday, 14 March 2018

#Vocational-Logistics Homework 20.03.18

Homework for my dear girls!
Remember to answer at least one question 
as a comment below!!
Read the section Duties of Logisticians  and complete task 1.

Task1: Translate 2 or 3 responsibilities of Logisticians, in your own words, into Greek.

Read the section Important Qualities for Logisticians (lower on the same website) and 
Task2: Describe three qualifications a logistician must have, to be suitable for a well-paid position.

Read this announcement. Answer the questions:
1) Can an associate's degree holder occupy the position? What other degrees are acceptable?
2) Can someone with no prior experience occupy the position?
3) Why do you think excellent communication skills are important for this profession? 


  1. why do you think excellent communication skills are important for this profession?
    The communication skills are importan for thiw profession because the emploee must to be able to cooperate with colleagues, suppliers and costumers and do business with them in the work environment.

    1. Good job! Keep trying! More about the topic next time in class.


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